Thanks to our funders
We run projects throughout the year to meet an identified need within our community.
Some of the projects are established, fulfilling an ongoing need and have been running for several years such as:
- The youth sessions we offer which engage with the children and young people of our community.
- The cree which provides a space and time for the older members of our community to meet, chat and enjoy a cup of tea.
- The mother and toddler group allows young children to have fun with others their own age while mothers and carers can chat with friends.
- The I.T. Suite provides a facility for education and training; job search; accredited qualifications and access to the internet.
- Food and Household Support for those who require support.
- Help with filling in forms and applications
- Preventing food waste
In addition to these established projects we run others where and when the need is established and the funding is secured. Contact us if you have any queries.
Our funders in 2023
- Youth Investment Fund
- Durham County Council Fun & Food
- Durham County Council Town & Villages
- Virgin
- Ballinger
- County Durham Community Foundation Warm Space
- Awards for All Lottery
- Localities Cost of Living
- Rank
- Durham County Council Public Health
- Parish Council
- Councillor Hood
- Ivan Cochrane
- East Durham Area Action Partnership – Green Grant
- Coalfields
- East Durham Trust
- Parish Council
- Lottery organisation cost of living grant
- Greggs
- No More Nowt
Additional details about some of our funders
Fun and food
Durham County Council’s ‘Fun and Food’ Programme provides FREE holiday activities with healthy food and meals for children and young people in County Durham. Activities are provided by schools, voluntary and community sector groups, sport and leisure services, our Family Centres and other partners including Shotton Community Hub.
We have been very fortunate to secure funding from The Co-op Local Community Fund which supports projects across the UK that co-op members care about. In the 2022/2023 period funding from the co-op allowed us to tidy up and clean our outside areas and helped fund our youth provision.
East Durham Community Trust
As a member of EDCT, the Partnership has been able to work with the Trust on many different projects including the Connect project and the Let’s Create project.
Community Support
The Partnership support the community in emergencies, especially the cost of living crisis.
The support included:
- Delivering free meals to vulnerable people in the village (funded by CDCF)
- Distributing food parcels from East Durham Community Trust
- Delivering Christmas hampers
- Setting up a table with donated food for people to help themselves
- Litter picks around the village
- The Partnership’s ‘Our Place’ Environment Group maintaining the planters around the village
- The Hub has always provided a warm place for people to come, however, in 2022-23 we provided a designated warm space for members of the community who were feeling the pinch because of the cost of living crisis. (Funded by CDCF and EDT)
Community Festival
The annual Festival is always very well received by the village with over 500 people attending throughout the day in 2022. Attractions include a fairground; children’s entertainer; disco; party games; animal zoo; arts & craft and musical entertainment.
The cost of the event in 2022 was covered by the Parish Council; Co-op Good Causes; local businesses and raffles and tombola on the day.
Ballinger Charitable Trust
Funding from Ballinger Charitable Trust is enabling us to recruit a new team member who will be enrolled on a 3-year degree apprenticeship course in “Community and Youth Work” at the University of Sunderland. This will see our youth provision expand enabling us to work with even more young people.
Youth Investment Fund
The Department of Media, Culture and Sport have initiated the Youth Investment Fund which will transform the government’s offer for young people and level up opportunities right across the country. The YIF is to enable local youth providers to invest in capital projects that expand the reach, number and range of services they currently offer including capital funding for new builds.
The Partnership put in an expression of interest which led to us being invited to apply for a pre-capital grant. The application was successful and we received funding towards the cost of getting the project to RIBA Stage 4 Design. Our project is to demolish the log cabin at the Community Park and replace it with a youth facility.
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